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Press the Link to watch the full video- https://vimeo.com/user80930491
Duration: 1 min 34 seconds
Medium: Animated video
Creation Date: 7th December 2020
The abstraction and symbolism of Kashmiri Sufi poetry is portrayed exquisitely by Mahmud Gami in his
ghazals. His philosophically dense couplets and the vivid imagery each of them portray makes one think
about meaning and meaning making. In this particular ghazal, Gami is trying to direct your attention towards
that which you have taken for granted: towards your breath, towards flowers, towards water, towards what
it is that we call reality.
As you know, translating ghazals into English capably is extremely difficult, almost impossible. A lot is lost in
the act of textual appropriation - a lot of meanings slip out. So, this is NOT a translation. Well, at least not in
the run of the mill sense of the word. By engaging with phrases, words, visuals, music, and everything in
between we've attempted to translate perhaps the affect of the ghazal. Poetry is meant to stir something in
you, and we hope this rendition does that.
While we worked with the poet's words, on them, in them, we constantly (re)visited reality. We can't say for
sure yet if what we found was all really real, but then again, neither could Mahmud.
आएगा / Ayega
Medium: Animated video
Creation Date: 9th August 2020
Press the Link to watch the full video: https://vimeo.com/452351205
You might be mildly caressed by the existence of absurdity on internet.

A filmy set has set itself, all by itself, to facilitate a मुलाकात (meeting) of sorts, a बैठक  (rendezvous) if I'm not mistaken.
महमान तो आ चुके है पर चाय का नमो निशान तक नहीं।  चाय तो छोड़िये किसी ने पानी तक न पूछा। (the guests are here but tea hasn't arrived yet. Forget about tea, no one even cared to ask for a glass of water)  
But the great misery is that dialogue is always brewing. So the members perform an orchestrated and pre-practiced narration of the agenda, they had carefully chosen for this meeting.
अब इंतज़ार है तो बस घर जाने का। (now all that one awaits is to go home).
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