houses left behind/chore hue Ghar
Paper on paper- collage
The wildness of abandoned houses is inviting. The wildness concerns itself with the literal wilderness that grows inside, outside and adjacent to abandoned houses. It is inviting. After all, it holds the promise of discovering the unfamiliar. It is not contained within the cages and norms of the society and ideal houses. It is the opposite of ideal, it is absurd. It stands as a concrete site patched with greenery and yet unoccupied by people. It becomes a site of fantasy. 
The promise of fantasy is a promise of escape, freedom and adventure. However, abandoned houses often are the result of violence, conflicts and disputes. They reek of sibling courtroom drama. They will remain unoccupied by the people who own it. The plants wrap, cake and sandwich the abandoned houses, letting the creeping, crawling and slithering friends live in the extra crevices. 
Yet, it holds the promise of fantasy. Dark fantasy perhaps. It is similar to the eagerness, keenness and restlessness of desires and sexuality. 

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