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To turn to nature is a trauma response
Dimensions: Adjustable
Medium: Print on paper
Creation Date:  May 2021
Dimensions: Adjustable
Medium: Digital collage (Analog collage of pressed flora), print on archival paper
Creation Date: 27th August 2020
This is what human beings have in store for nature, they press it under the weight of printed paper. They are obsessed with memento mori. They are obsessed with preserving old glory of dead men (sometimes living as well) in the form of ashes, architecture and arabesque (of terrestrial indigenous materiality). Then there is this colonial human tendency, scratch that, condition to explore the other side of sky, introducing heavenly matter to earthly matter. No matter what they do, catastrophe always follows. The industry of preserving evidence of catastrophes for the sake of history of death is magical just like the primitive indigenous instincts to attach rituals to death. So to remind themselves of their own impending doom they press nature under the weight of printed paper. Here, is an aimless wandering in the form of a collage, a mix of analog collage with digital collage that has got nothing to do with the text whatsoever (it does). If you've reached here, congratulations.

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